after a move these are a list of essential things to do

After a move these are a list of essential things to do

After a move these are a list of essential things to do

So, you have finally finished moving, but settling into a new home can leave you feeling overwhelmed.  It’s hard to figure out what to do next.  Luckily, we came up with a list of the essential things to do after a move to keep you organized

Unpack the Essentials First

Hopefully, every person in the home had a bag of personal items that they brought with them, such as a change of clothes and toiletries.  But after that, what is wise to unpack first?  This will depend on your lifestyle, as you will know your needs best. 

Some may want to focus on the bedroom first, or perhaps the office.   It is up to the homeowner to figure out what is essential.

Update Your Address

You can update your address through the U.S. Post Office, either online or in person at your local branch.  You will need to change the address on your driver’s license too. 

Contact your local DMV for instructions on how to do this, every state is slightly different.  Contact any government agencies such as Veteran’s Affairs Office or the Social Security Office if you are concerned with receiving important payments or business letters.  While you are dealing with the DMV, take some time to update your voter registration.  You can do this in person or online. 

After Your Move, Get Medical Records Transferred

This next tip is slightly related to your address change, in the sense that you can also do this one online for convenience.  It is a good idea to select new primary physicians, dentists and optometrists right away so that you are prepared if you suddenly fall ill or have an emergency. Remember that HIPAA can take up to a month to process your paperwork, so it makes sense to start this process sooner rather than later. 

Become Familiar with the Features of Your New Home

It is extremely important that you locate the fuse box, and the main water supply shut off in your home.  Consider this a safety precaution, because in case of an emergency you will need to know how to turn off the power and water.  To be even safer, you should also figure out how to shut off the furnace and water heater.  Hopefully, you will never have to put this knowledge to work, but better safe than sorry.  

Hopefully, these tips will help keep you organized and on track.  After you take care of business, go out and start to explore your new neighborhood!