Here are a few moving tips for college students to help you save time and money. College students are usually on a very tight budget, and almost all co-eds must learn to stretch their money as far as they can. Part of the cost college students need to factor into their budget is moving. This includes moving into their school year accommodations, moving out when the school year is over, and storage of their school items between semesters. Below is a list of tips that every college student can follow to help save money, and time. The list includes advice on how to be efficient in packing, unpacking and storing their belongings. And it also advises how to stay on budget while moving to and from college.
Pre-Move Research – Moving Tips for College Students
Before you move, do a little research to help you plan an efficient moving day. If you are moving to a dorm, find out what kind of appliances are available for public use in the common kitchen and bathroom areas. For example, the kitchen area may already have a coffee pot you can use, so why pack another one? Most dorms have communal bathrooms as well, so pack only what you absolutely need and skip the rest.
If you are moving to a house or apartment coordinate with your roommate about essentials so you know what to pack. For instance, your roommate may already have pots, pans, and kitchen items that they are bringing. In this case, you could avoid bringing duplicate items with you, which could reduce the cost of your move.
Plan for Transport
The most important thing to plan is the transport of your belongings to and from your school accommodations. There are several choices in which to move your items to and from school. You can rent a truck, trailer or moving storage pod. Because you did your pre-move research, it should be easier for you to figure out which mode of transportation is best. Also, be certain about the school calendar, and know when to move in and when to move out, that way you can plan for it, which will help you stay on budget.
Arrange for Utilities In Advance
Whether you are moving to a dorm or apartment, you should arrange for your utility connections before you actually move. Your utilities include power, cable and internet connection.
Move in the Middle of the Week
Most people plan their moves on the weekend, which makes the weekend moves more busy and expensive. If you can plan a mid-week move, the availability of trucks and supplies will be more forthcoming and less expensive.
Inquire About Student Discounts
When shopping for school supplies always ask about student discounts. You might be surprised by how many establishments have discounts for college students. However, be aware that most of these stores and services will require that you show student identification, so have your id card handy.
Get Friend and Family to Help You Move
Ask your friends and family to help you pack and unpack your belongings. Then, as a thank-you, help them out with their move as well. This will benefit yourself and others, but also keep the moving costs low.
We hope you enjoyed our moving tips for college students. It might also be helpful to read our post on Moving Mistakes to Avoid.